

How To Create and Edit Keyboard Shortcuts in Photoshop CS6

Below is the text based tutorial, which is just an overview of the tutorial. For the full detailed explanation and complete step by step tutorial on how to create and edit keyboard shortcuts in Photoshop, watch the video which can be found at the bottom of this post. The video is available in full HD for better viewing of each step being performed in the tutorial.

How to Create Keyboard Shortcuts in Photoshop

Keyboard shortcuts are designed to save you time when working in Photoshop, and in my experience there is no better way to work in Photoshop. If you are serious about working quickly in Photoshop, start learning your keyboard shortcuts today!

keyboard shortcuts photoshop cs6

To edit your keyboard shortcuts in Photoshop go to Edit – Keyboard Shortcuts. From this dialog box you can change and add new shortcuts to every command in Photoshop. First, find the command you want to change, it will be listed in the same way as your menu bar. For instance you can go to File – Save and enter a new shortcut for save.

If there is an existing shortcut that you want to change, click on the shortcut and hold down the keyboard keys of your desired shortcut. If there is a conflict, Photoshop will allow you to accept and go to the conflict, or cancel the change.

Create a List of Keyboard Shortcuts

If you have ever wanted to view all of your keyboard shortcuts in one file, you are in luck – Photoshop will generate that file for you.

Just go to Edit- Keyboard Shortcuts and click on “Summarize” – it will create an HTM document listing all of your shortcuts. The best thing about this list is that it uses YOUR keyboard shortcuts, so if you change a few shortcuts, your changes will be reflected on the list.

Video Tutorial On How To Create and Edit Keyboard Shortcuts In Photoshop CS6

Below you can watch our High Quality HD video tutorial for a brief explanation on creating and editing keyboard shortcuts in Photoshop CS6

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1 comment:

  1. HQPStuts, thanks so much, another wonderful, useful, practical video!! Your mastery of PS is astounding.


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